Can one be free of the past?
Forming an image is an action of the mind, which is always related to the past. Thought is the product of the past. Thought needs space to appear. Space is between two thoughts. Between two factors of time. Tought is time. You are that space. That space is timeless.
Does the space where thoughts arise have a center? Is there a center between thoughts? What happens between thoughts? Is there time, in that space? It is thought, that creates time, so how can there be time, between thoughts?! Is it possible to see without a formed image?! Which is the content of consciousness. A content that was aquired through all life, frustrations, fears, pleasures, agony, longings, etc. That’s my consciousness. Can that be completly empty?
When trying not to form an image, which is always a thought, what happens? How do you listen?! Be attentive, watchful without leaving a mark. Leaving a mark means, forming an opinion, a desire, judgment or attitude. That’s all toys of the past. If you don’t form an image now, the past images have no place. Also, no projected images of the future, like fear and anxiety, appear. If you create an image, you relate. You connect to the past and project into the future. When you don’t form an image, you’re free. Free of imprints, habits and compulsions. You’re free from the past.
The mind can free itself from images, when not forming images now. The space where thoughts appear is not created by thought, therefore sacred.